Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Information Systems for Human Resource Management

Question: Discuss about the Information Systems for Human Resource Management. Answer: Introduction HRM is defined as the process, which are mainly seen to be related to the various aspects hiring and developing the talents of the employees so that they contribute more in a particular organization. The incorporation of the information systems in the HRM process has been performed to revolutionize the different activities in the workplace. This has been mainly identified in automating the various processes to support the strategic goals of the organization. The study is aimed to discuss on the three aspects ranging from succession planning, workforce mobility and employee engagement (Purce 2014). Discussion Succession planning is often identified as the measure to ensure the workforce in a particular organization is capable enough in delivering the future needs of the staff. The important consideration made in the succession planning has been often considered popular among the employees who depict promise and aptitude in the workplace. This provides the employees with adequate training and transitioning them into higher positions or assigning them into responsible roles within the company. The incorporation of the different methods of information technology in the succession planning has been seen in form of determining the best course of action for HR (Kehoe and Wright 2013). For example, in Jeraisy Group of Establishments, the information systems integration of the HRM helped the mangers to input the several details for future requirements of the personals. This is done by knowing about the specific skills set requirement in the future. The identified skills sets are then automaticall y matched with the user profiles who are presently working at the particular position or the new applicant for the future position. The information system helps in registering the required skills set of the employees conducive in the succession planning. The information provided in the HRMS system has helped the HR manager in knowing about the important aspects of the work force requirement is directly related to support the strategic and the organizational goals of an organization. The various benefits of the process have also supported the managers in knowing about the important roles of the existing employees (Sparrow, Brewster and Chung 2016). Workforce mobility has been identified as the various developments, which are seen to support the planning of the long-term cross-training activities. In the changing scenario of the business suggests that having the knowledge about one particular aspect of the business is not enough and this suggests the need to incorporate cross training to be efficient enough in performing the activities in other business areas. With the increasing number of the several types of the job, function employees can contribute to the organization in a better (Kramar 2014). For example, in the Arabian Oil Company the workforce mobility has been able to reduce the hiring costs for the various types of the new employees and increasing the profitability. Being a leader in the oil industry the company has been able to deal various types the activities, which are related to the geo physics, drilling activities and thee refinement process. As the processes are inter-related, it is important for the company to train the employees across various sectors for better understanding of the entire process. It has been further identified that the consideration of the different types of the methods which are seen to be associated to the workforce has been automated in form of the consideration of the various activities which identifies the different requirements of the varied range of the requirements for the cross training (Tyson 2014). The different types of the other aspects of the study has been further take onto consideration the different forms of the resources which are needed to achieve the specific set of the objectives. The information system has been able to automate the entire process of feeding the relevant requirement in the system and consider the same for the implementing to achieve the strategic goals (Armstrong and Taylor 2017). As per the strategic objectives of the HR, the various types of the activities are designed to support the employees, so that their contributions are conducive in the success of the organization. It has been further identified that the consideration of the various techniques focusing on this aspect is mainly done to ensure that employees become fully engaged in their job roles. The measurement of the various aspects of the employee engagement is often identified as a difficult task and the organizations need to overcome by the tracking of the absence of the employees and this particular aspect gives rise to the need of the several techniques of the information systems into HRMS. Employees disengagement is often identified as detrimental to the business and this leads to poor production, workplace conflicts and lower productivity. In order to ensure the continuous monitoring of the employee activities the use of the information system will be highly beneficial (Riley 2014). For exampl e, Yamama Saudi Cement Co. has ensured the continuous monitoring of the activities with the use of the HRMS software. It has been able to integrate the attendance tracker to the employee engagement to feed the relevant information on the different types of the tasks hic hares seen to be performed by the employees. The support provided for the employee engagement via benefit packages, competitive compensation and various types of the other benefits provided to the employees are reflected in the specific portals of the employees. This also reflects a strong principle of the company in effective decision-making (Storey 2014). Conclusion The study has been able to provide a holistic view on the important aspects of HRM. It has further able to discusses on the techniques of incorporation of information system into HRM which are seen to be essential for the purpose of achieving an effective strategy. The various types of the other factors which are seen to be necessary for the study has been identified in form of the identification of the various types process related to succession planning, workforce mobility and employee engagement in the companies based in Saudi Arabia. Reference List Armstrong, M. and Taylor, S., 2017.Armstrong's handbook of human resource management practice. Kogan Page Publishers. Kehoe, R.R. and Wright, P.M., 2013. The impact of high-performance human resource practices on employees attitudes and behaviors.Journal of management,39(2), pp.366-391. Kramar, R., 2014. Beyond strategic human resource management: is sustainable human resource management the next approach?.The International Journal of Human Resource Management,25(8), pp.1069-1089. Purce, J., 2014. The impact of corporate strategy on human resource management.New Perspectives on Human Resource Management (Routledge Revivals),67. Riley, M., 2014.Human resource management in the hospitality and tourism industry. Routledge. Sparrow, P., Brewster, C. and Chung, C., 2016.Globalizing human resource management. Routledge. Storey, J., 2014.New Perspectives on Human Resource Management (Routledge Revivals). Routledge. Tyson, S., 2014.Essentials of human resource management. Routledge.

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